Women in tech conferences and events can be a great experience. Women who attend these events often find opportunities to learn about the latest innovations, connect with other tech leaders, entrepreneurs, explore new job opportunities, or meet potential investors. Women-focused organizations such as WomenTech Network or Women Who Code offer networking opportunities for women interested in technology careers.

Women should feel safe at these conferences and it is important that we take steps to ensure their safety. These steps include: having an explicit code of conduct; providing a clear list of resources available during the event; creating spaces where people can go if they need help; making sure there are staff members available to intervene when necessary; implementing gender equality measures like flexible hours, virtual attendance options, childcare, etc.; ensuring there are adequate accommodations for single parents; and having security guards or police officers on site.

Wisdom 2.0

The Wisdom 2.0 conference will be held in 2022 to explore the latest trends in business, technology, and politics. Attendees will have the opportunity to listen, learn, and connect with others at the conference. The conference will also provide a forum for envisioning the future.

Women in Tech Global Conference 2022

The WomenTech Network is organizing the third edition of the world's largest online tech conference for women, minorities, and their allies, Women in Tech Conference 2022 June 7-10.

This year's conference focuses on Technology Leadership (Chief in Tech Summit), Tech Innovation (Key Tech Summit), professional development (Career Growth Summit), and how we may make an impact and influence the future together.